You're Fine!
Elsa Eli Waithe and Coree Spencer are not doctors. But they are two funny people who have gone through some stuff, and came through smarter and stronger. Now they're sharing the secret to better living through THC.
24 episodes
Take Me to the Cookie Throne
Coree and Elsa are back, with an all new episode that's too hot for the Albanian Board of Tourism! Hear all about the shady side of Europe, as experienced by a queer person of color! And if that's not enough, listen as two very stoned people tr...
Season 1
Episode 24

Cave Syndrome
Did you ever hear the tragedy of Nicki Minaj's cousin's friend? I thought not. It’s not a story the Jedi would tell you. It is a Twitter legend. His balls became so powerful, his fiancée had to call off their wedding. Ironic; he could save othe...
Season 1
Episode 23

Cutting Dogs and Sawing Logs
Hi. You got a second? Remember how, last week, we were talking about turning horses to glue, and cleaning hamster cages? We really couldn't have done all that without your help. And then look at you! Look at all you have done, and you have acco...
Season 1
Episode 22

The Covid Coping Hour
Wake up, sleepyhead. We're almost to grandma's house. Coronavirus? Hurricane Ida? The Marvel Cinematic Universe? What are those? It's 2006 and You're Fine! This week, we take some time to vent and just get through this thing called...
Season 1
Episode 21

Take This Job And Reprioritize It
Brave explorer, you enter the cavern to the north. The air is damp and acrid, and the path ahead lies shrouded in darkness. Wary of dangers lurking in the dark, you roll your dice for a perception check. Fortune smiles as you roll a natural Epi...
Season 1
Episode 20

How Gaming Consoles Us
Thank you for reaching our 19th episode, loyal listener! But our princess is in another castle! See what I did there? So it turns out the Polybius legends were true: video games can have potent effects on our brain chemi...
Season 1
Episode 19

Does Blossom Shower?
As the sea levels rise, as the land spoils, as the waters pollute, as the animals thin in their numbers, as the air we breathe spreads illness and contamination, one thing remains true: You're Fine. And isn't that just peachy? Life...
Season 1
Episode 18

Brief Encounters with Solicitous Seamen
Bad credit? No credit? No problem! You can drive this week's episode of You're Fine off the lot today, with no down payment and no interest. That's our guarantee to you! Elsa and Coree are back to shoot the shit while life gets a little...
Season 1
Episode 17

The Attention Deficient Detective
Here's a pro-tip for all you aspiring podcasters: never miss your scheduled recording sessions. Otherwise your producers start coming up with "creative workarounds." Anyway, enjoy whatever the hell this episode is supposed to be.Music c...
Season 1
Episode 16

Working Out the Kinks
You stand in a hallway that extends onward into darkness, its walls lined with doors. Behind you, every door has been opened. Ahead, every door remains shut. You approach the next, marked "15," and find it unlocked. You turn the knob and peer i...
Season 1
Episode 15

Waking Up to Subconscious Biases
Welcome back to another episode of You're Fine. Please, have a seat and relax. This is a place of love and support; no one is here to attack you. Coree and Elsa have experienced their share of hate and bigotry, both in the comedy ...
Season 1
Episode 14

A Thin Line Between Kink and Trauma
You're so brave for making it all the way to this, our thirteenth episode. It takes a lot of courage to follow us on this journey, and it is valid to feel proud of how far you've come. No big topic this week! Instead, our hosts ju...
Season 1
Episode 13

Appetite for Soft Destruction
Lucky you, you're just in time to hear our first episode for July! This is the magical time of year when LGBTQ+ Pride turns to LGBTQ+ Wrath, Americans reward themselves with participation trophy celebrations, and people who take SSRIs need to s...
Season 1
Episode 12

Stigmas and Stones May Break Our Bones
Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to get through this latest episode of our podcast. Some podcasts seem to go on forever, and that's a mighty long time. But Coree and Elsa here to talk you down, and to be casually bigoted against the Irish. ...
Season 1
Episode 11

Be Easy On Yourself, Be Hard On The System
You've made it all the way to our tenth episode! Who would've bet we would get this far? If you didn't, you owe us $5. Pay up.This week's episode is about the delicate balance of advocacy: when to be forgiving, and when to be demanding....
Season 1
Episode 10

Good Grief
Oh thank goodness, you're here! We were so worried you might miss out on an all new episode of You're Fine!This week, Elsa and Coree return to the stage—the Stages of Grief, to be precise. Grieving can take many forms and come out of ma...
Season 1
Episode 9

The United States of Shock
Congratulations, you've survived another week! Your reward for living this long is another new episode of You're Fine!This week, Coree reminisces about scat, Elsa learns the terrifying truth about Mad Cow Disease, and John Hinckley uses...
Season 1
Episode 8

An Introduction to Adderall
The results from Coree's ADHD tests are back, and the doctors say there's only prescription: do more podcasting!They also prescribed her Adderall! So buckle in because this episode is going to ride that amphetamine coaster till the whee...
Season 1
Episode 7

Voicemails From The Edge
This week's regular episode has been postponed, as our hosts have each found themselves separated by tragic circumstances. Instead, we offer a brief glimpse into where they're at, emotionally and physically, and how they're meeting each new day...
Season 1
Episode 6

You Can, In Fact, Knock The Hustle
Welcome back to the safest space on the internet, where you can nestle into the warm aural embrace of the least problematic hosts in all of podcasting, Elsa Eli Waithe (they/them) and Coree Spencer (she/her).This week, we ...
Season 1
Episode 5

How Do We Forgive, And Who Deserves It?
You've made it all the way to episode four of the podcast. Give yourself a pat on the back; you've earned it, and you are valid. This week, Coree and Elsa get down to the heart of the matter, although their wills get weak and their...
Season 1
Episode 4

How Trauma Language Gets Abused
Just in time for May the 4th, it's our 3rd episode! And not only is today Star Trek day, it's also Coree's birthday! May she live long and prosper. Look, y'all. Our culture has mainstreamed a lot of psychological terms lately. ...
Season 1
Episode 3